A Message from Jim Hovland

Dear Friends, 

I believe we live in a great town with an outstanding quality of life and most people agree, based upon the 2023 Quality of Life survey results. As your mayor, I feel honored to have been part of what we’ve worked on and built together to make Edina an ever better community. One of the reasons for this very high happiness quotient may be because past and present City Councils have been mindful of the City’s mission  “…to provide effective and valued public services, maintain a sound public infrastructure, offer premier public facilities and guide the development and re-development of lands, all in a manner that sustains and improves the health and uncommonly high quality of life enjoyed by our residents and businesses.” (2015 Vision Edina)


Quality of Life:

  • Keeping people and their property safe is Job #1 for us.  Even with the challenges associated with the pre and post pandemic era,  9 out of 10 residents rate our police, as well as our fire and emergency medical services, very highly.

  • Nine out of ten residents also rate the quality of our natural environment and the quality of our city services very highly

  • The value of residential real estate in our community keeps rising and the median priced home is now valued at over $750,000.

  • Though there is growth in market value, property taxes on a median priced home continue to remain amongst the lowest in the metropolitan area.

  • Over the past twenty-plus years, we have created unprecedented transparency and opportunity for citizen participation in local government decision making.  We continue to work on strategies to make sure all voices have an opportunity to be heard and considered.                


Financial health:

  • Edina recently had its double AAA bond rating renewed by Moody’s and Standard & Poor for the 24th consecutive year.  Even during the financial challenges of the pandemic, we continued to have the highest achievable ratings.  We are  one of only approximately 36 communities of a similar size in the country with a comparable financial creditworthiness rating.                                                      

  • Since the Great Recession our tax base has doubled, going from approximately  $8 billion to $16 billion in total market value of all properties—residential and commercial.


Our Council has diligently worked to prepare Edina for the years ahead, dealing with the challenges of aging infrastructure and guiding substantial changes in both our residential neighborhoods and commercial districts.  With change being inevitable, it is the Council’s responsibility to manage that change to keep our town progressing.The result has been improved quality of life for our residents and an increase in the desirability of our community as a place to live, work, raise families and do business. 


Serving this community as your mayor, building relationships with our residents and representing everyone in Edina locally, in the region and at a national level has been a great privilege.  I hope to continue to lead our community into the future and am therefore enthusiastically seeking reelection and asking for your support and your vote on November 5, 2024.  If re-elected, we can continue to build a better Edina together. 

To learn more about our campaign, please go to www.hovland2024.com.  I thank you in advance for your support and your vote.


All the best,

Jim Hovland 

Jim Hovland Bio

Elected offical

  • Edina City Council,1997 - 2004

  • Mayor of Edina, 2005 - present

Mayor Hovland Speaking

Regional, State & National involvement

  • Chair of Regional Council of Mayors, 2005 - 2022

  • Chair Transportation Advisory Board to the Met Council, Chair for 7+ years

  • Chair of Municipal Legislative Commission, 2016 - present

  • Chair of Standing Committee on Transportation for the U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2023 - present

  • Vice Chair of Standing Committee on Transportation for the U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2018 - 2023

  • U.S. Conference of Mayors, Leadership Committee

  • Member of Greater MSP Partner Advisory Council

  • Advisory Board Member of the University of Minnesota Transportation Policy and Economic Competitiveness Program, 2016 - present

  • Leadership Committee of Climate Mayors, 2023 - present

  • SW LRT Corridor Management Committee, Member

  • SW LRT Community Works Steering Committee, Vice Chair

  • I-494 Corridor Commission, Past Chair

  • US 169 Corridor Coalition, Past Chair

Edina Morningside Rotary - Jim Hovland Speaking

Non-Profit Involvement

Public Service Related Awards

  • William Koniarski Public Sector Award—presented by the MN Transportation Alliance (Award presented for strong leadership and commitment in developing and advocating for transportation improvements in Minnesota)

  • Distinguished Public Leadership Award—presented by the Center for Transportation Studies—University of Minnesota (in recognition of public leaders who have advanced the field of transportation through their vision, leadership and knowledge)

  • I-494 Corridor Commission Service Award

  • Rotary Service Above Self Distinguished Service Award

  • Edina Chamber of Commerce Business Person of the Year

Jim Hovland Edina Mayor with Boy Scout Troops


  • Attorney – Hovland, Rasmus & Brendtro, PLLC, Partner
    (AV Rating from Martindale-Hubbell)

Jim and wife LaRae Hovland


LaRae Ellingson Hovland
Retired High School French Teacher – ISD #196

Children & Grandchildren

Angela (Russ) Freeman – Edina, MN
Russell, Bradford and Lucie Freeman

Erika (Paul) Batcheller – Sioux Falls, SD
Lila, Owen and Wells